Friday, December 14, 2012

My Problem With "Directioners"

Before I get started I just want to say that this is not towards all One Direction fans. I only have a problem with a small group of them, not sure if I would really consider them to be fans.

There are a group of people who seem to think that it is okay to dictate what a "celebrity" does, who they date, what they wear even. People do this with other "celebrities" too, but it's One Direction that seems to be everywhere right now. I am a big fan of One Direction, I love their music and I think they are fantastic artists. But I don't think what they do in their personal lives is any of my damn business. Just because they are famous does not mean that you get to judge everything they do. They deserve respect and the majority of fans do give them respect.

My big problem lately has been the topic everyone id talking about, "Haylor" It has been the subject of discussion for a few weeks now. Honestly I don't see why it's anyone's business if they are dating or not. I believe that if you were a true fan of One Direction and you really cared about the boys you would just want them to be happy. I know that's really clique, but it's the truth. I think if Harry or any of the boys want to date someone they should be able to without "fans" terrorizing them. That goes for their family and friends as well.

I personally think that Harry and Taylor look pretty cute together. Whether they are dating or they are just friends they deserve respect. Most of you think Taylor is just with him so she can write a song about him, which would probably be a great song and a lot of you will probably be singing it in your shower a year from now, but however ridiculous that is, it doesn't concern you. Whatever their relationship is, it has nothing to do with you. You should leave them be, it's their life. The only thing you should be concerned about is their music. That's what you should care about. It's what really matters. Without the music you wouldn't know they exist. Their music is what brought everyone together. Who they date shouldn't make or break you as a fan.  Their personal life is not what should be important to you.

I wanna know what you think you are going to accomplish by sending death threats to Taylor. What are you gaining from that? I don't understand it. I don't think that sending hate is going to get you noticed by Harry. Do you think that after you kill someone important to him, he is going to come running into your arms for comfort? No, hes not. I don't think he going to want anything to do with anyone who even says they hate her. I do not know what he thinks or how he feels because I do not know him. I do not think that because you are "in love" with him that it gives you the right to judge who he is with. I think he deserves more respect from people who are claiming to care so much about him. I think if you really want to get noticed by him you would show support for everything he does. The same thing goes for all of the boys. Do something extraordinary and stand out, that's what gets you noticed.

Never Take Something For Granted

From the time I was in 5th grade to about a year ago I have been apart of a choir. I always knew it was something I loved. I loved the feeling of being apart of something, it felt like it was where I belonged. But I never realized just how important it was to me until I didn't have it anymore.

A year ago I moved, the place I moved to did not offer a music program whatsoever. I knew that before I ever moved, I had lived there before. I knew I would have to give up choir and thought I was okay with that. I quickly realized that I wasn't. I missed it, I still do. Not a day goes by that I'm not thinking about my choir family, that's just what we were, a family. We stuck together through anything. We may not have known each member on a personal level but we would have done anything to protect them. I miss walking into the choir room and having a feeling of welcome and all my problems just washing away. Choir is a place where you can be yourself and be accepted by everyone. Nobody was there to judge you. We were all different, but somehow meshed really well together. I never realized just how important those awkward, goofy, talented people were to me.I would give anything to be able to sing with them again, whether it was for rehearsal, a concert, or us just singing along to the radio. It's true that the little things in life are the most important. I envy everyone who is apart of choir, no matter which choir you are in. It's definitely something special.

I have had the privilege having some of the greatest choir teachers out there. My favorite of course would be the one and only Mr. Chad Pape. Whether you are aware of it or not you taught me so much about life, how to be a better person, and the kind of person I want to be. The great thing about you is that you connect with your students not only on a teaching level but on a personal level, I think that is what make you such a great teacher. As students we have seen you at your best and sometimes your worst. You never hid the important things from us. You let us know that we could come to you for anything we needed, and most of us did. When I got sick you were the only teacher to show any concern. I can't thank you enough for that. You are truly an inspiring teacher and you are great at what you do, even though you probably have some of the weirdest teaching methods ever. I will never be able to eat a Jolly Rancher the same way again. Thank you for all you have taught me.

It's true that I took choir for granted. I never thought about it before. I knew I loved choir and was happy to be apart of such a passionate family. It was my favorite class, what I looked forward to everyday. But I didn't always show it. Some days I didn't give a 100% effort. I regret that. I should have gone in there everyday doing the best I could no matter the kind of day a was having.  I realize now that it was the most important thing I had. It is something I will hold onto forever. I will always look back at the crazy times I had, the friends I have made along the way and the important lessons I leaned. I still remember the first day of choir in 5th grade, my first concert in middle school, riding the bus Freshman year from East campus to West campus for class, those horrible robes we had to wear for one concert that made us looked like giant blueberries , (I prefer the black dresses) and I remember the last day I was in choir. It broke my heart to say goodbye and walk out of that class room. I would give anything to be there again.

Those who are lucky enough to be apart of a choir, don't take it for granted. Cherish every moment you have. You are not just a choir but you are family. You stick together through think and thin. I know I am not the greatest singer, far from it, but I was always accepted. It didn't make a difference of how good or bad you were, because you were learning how to be better, and we all shared the same passion. It feels good to have been able to be apart of something so extraordinary. I think one of the most important things to always remember is the feeling you get right before you go on stage. It's the most never raking, exciting, but calming feeling ever. It's almost explainable. It's one thing, if I forgot everything else, that's the one thing I will never want to forget. I miss my choir family, and I hope to see you all in March at Disney World. I love you all.